MDO Project Support Grants - October 2024

This is a preview of the MDO Project Support Grants - October 2024 (Both Streams) form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.



You must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible in this program delivered by the Music Development Office (MDO):


IF YOU ARE AN ARTIST, ALWAYS SELECT STREAM A, regardless of whether your project involves 'business activity' e.g. marketing, mentoring etc.

Which Stream best suits your project activity: * Required
Response required.

Stream A Applicants (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Which Stream best suits your project activity:" on page 1

Please select one of the following. I am a: * Required
Response required.

Stream B Applicants (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Which Stream best suits your project activity:" on page 1

*Original artists are those who write and perform their own music.
Have you been based in and operating in South Australia for at least the six months prior to the current round opening date? * Required
Do you have any overdue funding acquittals with the Music Development Office? * Required
If you are unsure of your acquittal status for previous MDO grants, please contact the MDO on or ph 8429 3555.
DECLARATION: I (the applicant) have read and understood the Program Guidelines. * Required
DECLARATION: I (the applicant) have answered truthfully to the above questions. * Required

Go to Application (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "DECLARATION: I (the applicant) have read and understood the Program Guidelines." on page 1
  • "Have you been based in and operating in South Australia for at least the six months prior to the current round opening date?" on page 1
  • "DECLARATION: I (the applicant) have answered truthfully to the above questions." on page 1
  • "Please select one of the following. I am a:" on page 1
  • "" on page 1
  * Required
Response required.



After you answer all of the above questions, you should see an option to "Go to Application". If this option does not appear, then you may not eligible to apply for this grant program. Please refer to the Program Guidelines